Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Entry #8: Why I'm Team Oliver

So, Arrow comes back to night and I'm equal amounts terrified and excited. Of course I've been soaking up the articles and watching all the clips. And reading what others have to say. And since I've been watching this show, I've noticed a trend.

I've made no secret I am an Oliver/Felicity fan. As are, I've gathered, most of the audience for this show. However, the trend I've noticed is that what ever choices are made, what ever happens, it's Oliver's fault. He's always in the wrong. Felicity is always right. And so on and so forth.

Now, this isn't the first show something like this has happened on. Not just in romantic relationships, but in general. The lead character must be taught a lesson by the supporting cast/guest of the storyline. It is easily my least favorite trope of entertainment. It has been since the days of Buffy. Specifically since Dead Man's Party was first on and Willow, Xander and Joyce were angry at Buffy for not wanting to have a big welcome home party after she clearly left home didn't contact anyone for a reason. A reason they didn't deem worthy. And let's not even talk about the horrid moment in Season 7 where the only two people (besides Buffy) I didn't hate were Andrew and Spike. And Andrew only gets a pass because he wasn't there (though I'd like to believe he would have stood up for her too). But, I digress.

Felicity is easily my favorite character on the show. Out of pretty much any fictional character ever, she's the one I most identify with. Many of the criticisms people have of her, I take personally because they are traits I have. That being said, there were moments in S2 that I hated her. And all of them centered around the same theme.

Dig would say to me the same thing he said to Oliver, I didn't have a problem with Felicity until Barry Allen.

To say I dislike Barry is understatement. But, for the most part, this post isn't about him directly, though he will be referenced a few times.

Oliver was not wrong.

Let me repeat that, because most people seem to want to jump all over him because Barry is "so sweet". Remember, we, as an audience, know that Barry Allen is destined to become a well-known super-hero. But let's say he wasn't and committed the exact same actions. Would people be so forgiving of him?  So, no, Oliver wasn't wrong to call him out.

Felicity was wrong in not bothering to see Oliver's side in all this. And if she was so right that he was a good guy, wouldn't a responsible good guy to to someone with that information? And said information would not only endanger Oliver, but Dig and herself? That was Oliver's point and it was a fair one.

But no, because he was awkward and had a tragic backstory, his actions should be forgiven and forgotten and Oliver raked over the coals for sharing his concerns.

I know Oliver is far from perfect. That's pretty much the theme of the show. I know he doesn't make the right choices often. But he's learning and that's what we're watching. That journey of learning from his many mistakes.

So, yes, Felicity, Barry did save Oliver's life but sorry, you don't have the complete upper hand there. What if Barry had made his train? Then what? And Oliver had just almost died so he earned the right to be snippy at the guy who lied to all of you and could possibly bring all your world's crashing down.

And this isn't even taking into consideration the whole jealousy thing.

Then, after the Christmas break we find out Felicity is sitting vigil at the bedside of a guy she knew for a whole week. She spent more time with him in a coma than awake. And she was gone a lot. Guess what Felicity, that job you hate you have? If anyone else was your boss, including your old IT job, you wouldn't have that luxury to take off and do that. Where was your apology or recognition for that?

And Felicity, you know that Arrow work is stressful and life-or-death. Your error (and it was an error) was costly. And yes, he overreacted, but so did you. Oh, so did you. And then when you knew he was in the field, your nasty comment? Too far.

But after all that, who apologized? Oliver. Because he's learning.

Then, she finds out later that Iris exists and is quite important in a romantic way to Barry. And she's rightly hurt but where's her indignation about that? Nowhere. That's where. And it's unfair.

So much rage about that. Anyways, why I'm Team Oliver even more, came up because of these episodes.

I love Sara. Not just because of her name either. But I am far from a fan of her and Oliver's relationship. But I understand it.

For her, this was the guy she was "in love with" since she was a teenager. And they went through something together no one else would understand. And he was a reminder of who she used to be. That being said, Oliver was her rebound because she was never over Nyssa. Who she was actually in love with.

But this is about Oliver. I've read people say how could he get with Sara when he knew he was in love with Felicity. I do believe he was not only in love with her at this point, but also realized it (these are two different things by the way). I've also read that Felicity is pining of Oliver while he wasn't interested yet. To which I say, what show are you watching? Because the one I am watching has Oliver Queen way more in love with Felicity and pining for her than the other way around.

Think about it from Oliver's perspective. He knows she thinks he's attractive. And he knows he's attractive. He spent years trading in on that. So, her liking watching him work out means very little in this matter. And yes, he plays up to it because he likes having Felicity's attention. That being said, after Russia (which is another point), she tells him he deserves better. Not making it about her at all (when it was all about her). Then she openly defends the guy who lied to her (about multiple things) against him. And then mentions that same guy is the first guy that's been interested in her in a long time. Meaning she hasn't noticed how Oliver sees her. So, from his point of view, she's not even remotely interested in him.

What should he do at that point?

Sara comes to him and, like above, she shares something with him no one else does. Also, looking at all the women he dated thus far, he feels a need to "fix" them. Whether they need it or not. (See, Helena and even a bit of McKenna, who I loved.) He feels guilt over what happened to Sara (and some of it is on him, true). So, after all this, he feels he owes her a chance at a relationship because the person he actually wants isn't giving him anything.

He loves Sara. He likely always will As he does her sister. But he was never in love with either of them. Loving and being in love are two different things.

Even though I'm not happy about it, I even understand the Isabel situation. Remember, we've already established he's learning. In Oliver's mind, he was protecting Felicity by sleeping with Isabel. That proves to Isabel that Felicity isn't his piece of fluff and Oliver is the king of self-sabotage. He likely didn't think Felicity would find out but at the same time, if she did, it's proof for her that he can't be good for her.

Because he honestly believes that. That he's not good enough for someone who isn't as damaged as he is (see Sara). But he's trying.

And he did mean it when he told her he loved her. Because he knew it may be his last chance. IT happened to help the plan. Which, I believe that he told Felicity that he needed her help and to just go with whatever he said so he could slip her the syringe. And of course she agreed. But I don't even think he knew exactly what he was going to say until they go there. But he said something because Felicity wouldn't just blindly go with him without asking some questions.

So yeah, I'm Team Oliver. And I have a feeling, with all the spoilers we've been getting, I will continue to be. And yes, that means disliking Felicity again. (Don't get me wrong, I don't just forgive and handwave Oliver's actions. There's been times I've been very upset with him. But I understand where he's coming from.)

That being said, after tonight's season premiere, I reserve my right to completely change my mind!

The episode is over and yes, I'm more Team Oliver than ever.

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