Monday, February 2, 2015

Entry #19: The fat man walks alone. I'm just saying.

Don't deny it, you have a fictional character or two that, if were real, you'd hope to have a relationship with. I refer to to my as my movie boyfriend.

I had a long-term thing with my first movie boyfriend. In fact, it's only in the past couple years that we broke up and I moved on. I still have a soft spot for him though. Because first love and all. I thought it would last forever, but I was young. Chances are you loved him too, but we were serious. So, Lucas from Empire Records, I will only think of you with fond memories. (I even have head!canon how we would have met and what happened from there. It's quite elaborate.)

Anyways, if you don't know why I loved him:

Seriously, see this movie if you haven't. It was just everything that I, as a teenager in the mid 90's, wanted to be. And the soundtrack is choice. Just...see it, okay?

But then a year and half ago I found someone new. And it was love at first sight, or snark in his case. It helps that he's played by my current number one celebrity crush. But, this character is almost everything I find attractive. If I had a list of qualities, personality and superficial-wise, he would tick almost all the boxes.

He doesn't even show up for the first 45 minutes of film! The things I go through for him. But then he does show up and it's all good.

If I could, I will marry, or at least have a very serious relationship with, CIA Analyst William Brandt. He's sarcastic. He's smart. He's sexy. He's slightly awkward. He's a slightly tortured soul (we've covered my feeling about that before). He's a snappy dresser. He can kick butt when need be. He's just...perfect. It's hard finding a proper clip here because every moment he's on is gold. So, here's a fan vid set to the MI theme and the one clear clip I could find.

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