Sunday, October 19, 2014

Entry #10: Could you describe the ruckus, sir?

If you haven't already determined from my age, I was a child of the 80's. As such, I grew up with the John Hughes oeuvre.

One of my earliest memories of my cousins was us playing The Breakfast Club. What this meant to our 7/8 year-old selves was that we would pick a character to pretend to be while watching the movie. Not quoting the lines or anything, just us pointing one out and saying, "That's me." They both always picked Allison, because they wanted Andrew. I always picked Claire, not the least of which was because of her romantic partner of choice. Yes, John Bender shaped my weakness for fictional bad boys with a purpose and sympathetic backstory for the rest of my life. I took a quiz, in YM I think, back in early high school days of What Type of Guy Do You Prefer. It determined The Tortured Soul was for me. It was right. And it's all Judd Nelson's fault.

Also, I live for the day I can naturally work the quote in the title of this post into a conversation. (In a special moment, Robert Lutece himself favorited a Tweet to him stating that very thing!)

Anyways, I watched them all, with a special affinity for the high school movies over the general family comedies.

Even as I have grown up, I still appreciate what Ferris Bueller accomplished and am not even bothered by his behavior. I look for the key pieces when I go to the Art Institute. Heck, I originally went to the Art Institute partially because of this movie. And now it's one of my favorite museums!

When I was younger, and even somewhat today, I wanted Andie to pick Duckie. But as I got older, I started leaning toward Stef. (But not Blane. Never Blane. That's not a name; that's a major appliance.)

However, a couple of years ago something really started to bug me about one of the films. Yes, just the one thing.

It's in Sixteen Candles.

Of course, I, like all sane girls, love Jake Ryan. So, he's never the issue. But he is in the scene that is the cause of all this worry.

It's Samantha's sister's wedding. Why isn't she going to the reception? She's 16 and a bridesmaid. Isn't she pretty much required? Or was this her parents' belated birthday present? I mean, she could have done the reception line and then have Jake whisk her away and still have the ultra-romantic table/birthday cake moment.

Clearly I think about the important things in life.

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