Sunday, August 31, 2014

Entry #3: A Talent I Lack But Wish To Have

I really hadn't forgot to make a post this week. I just didn't know what to post about. I didn't have the time to dedicate to a more substantial topic and never could fully form an idea.

So, instead I'm going to post some of my favorite fan vids, covering several fandoms. Because that's how I roll.

I wish I had the talent/time/patience/know-how to make fan vids. I have ideas. I songs picked out. I have the vids storyboarded in my head. I'm the same way about Photoshop. For now, I'll leave it to the professionals.

My two favorite vids of all time come from Doctor Who.

First, "Scattered" by Di Wey. It's set to my favorite Muse song (actually this vid is the reason why it's my favorite Muse song), "Map of the Problematique."

Next, "Touched" by HRS1812, which uses "Touched" by VAST. It's just fantastic and about my OTP to end all OTPs, Doctor/Rose.

Moving on to True Blood; specifically, Eric Northman. Of course there are many vids set to Mumford and Sons' "Little Lion Man" but this is the one that just...fits. It's by lolilie.

Go Human Beings! Yes, it's time to Chang to Community. There are many famous (even infamous) fanvids for this show but this Girl With a Dragon Tattoo mash-up is the one I've rewatched the most. It uses the trailer cut of Karen O/Trent Reznor's "The Immigrant's Song" and it's by saroufims93.

A current trend is to use Lorde's cover of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World". This is my pick of that liter (at least thus far) and it's by KristinaOrtutova. I have no shame in my love of The Originals, especially, Elijah and his and Haley's relationship.

They say your OTP is the couple you think of when you hear Coldplay's "Fix You." Well, that will always be The Doctor and Rose for me. However, I'm really fond of this Oliver/Felicity of Arrow version, also by KristinaOrtutova. (And as they are the couple currently taking up most of my brain, I can share.)

I couldn't possibly not have my number two OTP, Spike and Buffy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on here. I have many songs I associate with them, but "Poison and Wine" by The Civil Wars is one of the most perfect that I can't associate with anyone else. This is by SpuffyPr0ductions and she called it "I Still Choose You".

I am a complete sucker for epic moments set to 30 Seconds to Mars' "This Is War". There are many I could choose from, but I'm going to to go with the first one I saw. It's by agentofchaos and it's all Harry Potter.

I'm going to finish with my current favorite vid. It's the MCU up through Thor 2 (as Cap 2 isn't in an easily accessible HD format, I'm sure.) It's by lim and according to them, the music is "Festivo" by Keiichi Suzuki.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Entry #2- Know This

"Write what you know," they say. Whoever they are, I'll take their advice.

I know who I am (though I don't know how others see me, let alone if they see the real me).

I know what I love (and do so pretty strongly).

I know I am a decent writer (and honestly, my dream job is to write trashy romance novels; that or be a professional entertainment writer).

I know that I am Christian (and also know, while I am proud to state that fact, am not the best Christian I could be and is something I am working on and struggling with).

I know I am completely a cat person and not at all a dog person.

I know that I should exercise to help my body but my body is part of what prevents me from exercising.

I know I am tired. Both in body and spirit and of oh so many things.

I know I hold a lot of unpopular opinions (for example, that character you love? I likely hate and the more you tell me I should love them; the more I will hate them) but chose not to share them because I think there is already too much negativity out there.

I know I am a total solitary introvert and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable that I am so comfortable with my own (and my cats') company.

I know that I am also a hopeless romantic but the previous statement doesn't lend itself to a lifestyle where I can meet someone. (I have never had or been asked on a date and never been kissed. And not in the clever Drew Barrymore sort of way. More of a Steve Carrel 40-year-old virgin sort of way. And I'm four years short of being that.)

I know I am a fiercely loyal friend and expect the same; as such, if I don't get that I can drop you easily. Which may not be fair but its who I am (and referring to two statements up, doesn't bother me as much as it probably should.)

I know my favorite color is green but only specific shades of it.

I know I love Disney, especially the theme parks and specifically Walt Disney World and am a snob about that fact. I also know that if anyone tells you they are too old for it, doesn't deserve it anyway.

I know most people wouldn't want to play pop culture trivia games with me and I would easily win.

I know I have dry skin on my legs and scalp and my hair is super dry but an oily face. And what is up with that? My forehead, always needs moping up, the hairline next it? Constantly flaky (but it's not dandruff, it's dry scalp).

I know I have curly hair that I am in a daily battle with to keep as minimally frizzed as possible. I only wash it once, maybe twice,  a week. Only air dry it. Use no tools on it. Yet, all kinds of breakage.

I know I have lived in the same house my whole life and that I will not leave it unless forcibly removed from it.

I know am a fair cook. I'd likely never win a contest on the Food Network but can follow a recipe like nobody's business.

I know I am forgetting things I wanted to add to the post but can't remember what they are.

And I know that Oliver Queen is not alone and Felicity Smoak believes in him. (Yes, there will be a lot of pop culture references here.)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Entry #1- The Purpose

So, why did I start this? Well, I turned 36 today. Last night I was pondering doing something with this year. I decided to create a blog (aside from my LiveJournal, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.) and then thought what to do with it.

Actually, I came up with the idea while reading this book. It had, in the first chapter, the classic cliche, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride." And I thought to myself, "Never a bridesmaid, never a bride." And then thought about writing what that meant to me. So, there's a possible future entry.

Anyways, after some pondering I decided I am going to try to post at least once a week for the next year. There will be no set theme or topic. Just whatever I feel like talking about. I say "try" because I may post more than once or end up abandoning the whole thing. But this is a start.

Let's see how it all goes.