Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Entry #11: Eventful for Me

I admit, my life wouldn't be considered glamorous by most. But it does have its moments. And I think I can retell a story about those moments very well. As is the case here.

It may not seem like much to some, even most, but for me there was some excitement this past week.

On Wednesday, I don't physically go to work and usually spend the day catching up on work-related things and just relaxing. Couldn't that this week though. So, I had big plans, which I only did half of. But it was the important half.

I got up and going. Deposited a check in the bank. Did some grocery shopping. Got my haircut. Then went to get my oil changed. This all happened in a close area. My grocery store is across the highway from the the small cluster of storefronts that the Great Clips I go to is, as is the other cluster that has one of my bank's branches, which is part of the overall complex that houses the WalMart where I get my oil changed.

It was a Wednesday morning, so there was only one car being worked on and I was told it would be a short time to get my car done. I had already done my shopping and the WalMart Automotive Center does not have wifi (I know, right?!). So, I settled in with a book and halfway paid attention to the tv that had the local news on that the gentleman in front of me was watching.

When he was finished, that left me alone. I kept reading and flipped the channel to the local ABC channel as I wasn't sure if I would still be there by the time The Chew would start. I got absorbed into my book when I heard someone ask, "Are you going to read to me?"

I looked up and one of the workers was getting himself a cup of coffee. I said, "I can if you want."

To which he replied, as one does in these situations, "What are you reading?"

I held up the book and said, "A novel by Julia Quinn."

He said, "Oh, I've read her before, just not that one."

I looked at him for a bit and said, "I'm not sure if you're being serious or not because there are men that read romance novels."

"Don't judge me!"

"I'm not because some men really do read them.!"

He took a sip of his coffee and said, "I used to read a lot. I don't anymore, but I did read some of hers."

We talked a bit more about that then he asked, "Do you like Mafia stories?"

"I do."

"I really liked Joan and Jackie Collins. And Jackie had a series called Lucky. You should read those." He went on to say why he liked them and then asked if that was my car and that it would be done soon. He also introduced himself as Paul.

I went back to my book and few minutes later he came back in and told me my car was ready and he handed me a piece of paper that had the name of series and the author on it!

So, thank you Paul the WalMart Auto Guy, I will add those to the list of my already huge to-read list! (Seriously, I have like 50-75 books at home to read. Used bookstores are the best.)

After all of that, I was tired and hungry and went home, had lunch, and didn't do much else for the day.

Why did I do all that on a Wednesday? Because of what I did on Thursday. I go to my part-time office job on Thursdays. That did happen. But what happened after is the important bit.

I am a hockey fan. Specifically, I am a Detroit Red Wings fan. I live about 2.5-3 hours from Detroit. While I have been to several NHL games (including Wings games), none of them have been at their home, Joe Louis Arena.

My mom had entered a contest on whim and she won. Specifically she won two tickets to the game and a parking pass in the lot right by the arena.

We decided on taking my car, so it had to be in shape for the trip.

I drove a little more than halfway there (that would be the Toledo-area, btw). And just so you know, between my house and Toledo, there is literally no rest stop. There are plenty of exits and in the first part of the trip, several gas stations. But after 2+ hours of driving, one has to really need a bathroom and we couldn't find one. Finally we found a Church's Chicken and it was my favorite thing for that moment.

Anyways, the doors of the Joe opened at 6:00 for the 7:30 start and warm-up would start around 6:30/6:45. We got there in plenty of time for warm up and had good seats.

My boys were playing the Pittsburgh Penguins (BOO!!! ESPECIALLY THEIR CAPTAIN!) Like any good hockey fan, I watch NHL Center Ice often because that means I can see all the Wings games. On Saturday night, they played and went into overtime. I jokingly said, "Now, get that out of your system because you can't do that Thursday. I have to go to work Friday morning!"

Yes, we were heading home right after the game and I was going to work the next morning,  knowing I wouldn't be getting a full night's sleep. I am okay with that, because HOCKEY.

I was surprised how many Penguins sweaters there were in the Joe of all places. But, of course, it was mostly fellow Wing fans. The group of five people next time were split between Pens and Wings fans. There's a dad and son behind us. The dad leans over to the son during warm ups and says, "You can boo #87 as much as you want." Good dad.

The first period ended in a tie. The second period we were down 3 to 1. Before the period was up, I took off for the bathroom, knowing the line would be crazy during the break. The two guys at the end of the row hadn't left like rest of their party, but I was polite and said, "Excuse me." I had to wait, but it wasn't too bad.

When I came back in, one of the other guys had joined the. He was the only one that noticed I was waiting. He got the other two to notice I was there. The guy at the very end was rather tipsy, playing on his phone, and wearing a Penguins jersey. I'm wearing my Wings jersey. It's clear where our loyalties lie.

Before he makes room for me to pass, he says, "Where to zombies come from?"

Me, not thinking the fastest, replies, "What? Like the band?"

"No, zombies!"

"Yeah, there's a band called The Zombies."

"No, no, like Night of the Living Dead! That takes place in Pittsburgh, right? Zombie movies!"

"I don't know, the only zombie movie I've watched is Shaun of the Dead." I start to go past him and he awkwardly pats me on the shoulder. This is the strangest attempt at flirting I've ever encountered. Had I been thinking I would have said, "Atlanta" because of The Walking Dead  (which I also, do not watch; I'm a vampire girl myself). Also, maybe trying to engage a girl in conversation when you are wearing the opposite team's sweater and talking about that town isn't the best way to go about things.

His friends just laughed at him.

With about five minutes left in the game, we're still down by two and people start heading out to beat the rush.

Their mistake.

With 3:30 left, we score. Then a minute later we score again.

That's right, they didn't listen me and rudely went into overtime! Seriously though, it was great. Super exciting.

Halfway into the five minute OT, we score. We win!

As we headed back to the car, we had a couple of enthusiastic fellow fans yelling, "RED WINGS!" every 30 second, to the point, I couldn't hear anything my mother was saying to me the walk back to the car.

The drive home was uneventful, which is want you want really.

All in, good times. Go Wings.

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